Where have all the Gardeners Gone?               <--Prev : Next-->

There are no less than five e mails in Morning Mirror advertising for Gardeners? So where have they all gone? Why is the honourable occupation of Gardening being so spurned ? Rumour has it that all erstwhile horticulturists have given up the quest for green lawns in favour of the much more lucrative portfolio of GOLD PANNING !!

Wouldn't you ? I mean the stipulated wage for a domestic gardener is such that in these troubled times of hyper inflation, a gardener can earn the princely sum equating to ten loaves of bread a month !! So gold panning has to be a better bet.

Would you work all day six days a week, for ten loaves of bread. ?

Even if is lucky enough to be able to pay ones gardener substantially more than the recommended wage, gold panning would still be an exciting prospect !!

And so many folk these days are unable to feed themselves so are unlikely to be able to pay a decent wage.

In fact the whole scene has gone crazy and it is the poor getting so much poorer and the rich getting so much richer that makes the whole thing absolutely awful.